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Join Us

Join the Club!

Anyone interested in attending the general meeting or any of the Special Interest Group (SIG) meetings as a guest will be charged $3.00 per person for any or all meetings in that month. Afterwards, you are encouraged to become a member of the Plateau PC Users Group.  Our Club cannot exist without you, the members. 

Membership Dues
Our annual dues are now payable July 1st of each fiscal year.  2023-2024 dues are $24 per single person / $30 per family.  Persons/families joining during the fiscal year have dues payable as follows:

Student memberships (21 and under) are $10 annually. Corporate memberships are $30 a year for the first two memberships and $10 a year for each additional membership from the same company. Contact the PPCUG Treasurer (931) 456-2251 for pro-rated dues of these types of memberships. To Join, print and complete this page and or fill out a membership form, which is available at meetings and at the end of the Monthly newsletter. Return the completed form and a check for the annual dues to the Treasurer or a SIG leader at the general meeting or any of the SIG meetings.

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